
4 Cups of Sugar

2/3 cup cocoa powder

dash of salt  (i never put in salt, but mom always did…..but sometimes she                          would have salty fudge, and i never have…go figure….lol)

Mix well and add:

2 cups of milk

Stir constantly on medium heat until it comes to a boil.  Once it is boiling, stop stirring and turn to low- DO NOT STIR AGAIN!

Keep on low checking periodically for soft ball stage.  This is when you drop a small amount into a cold bowl of water.  if you can pick up the “ball” and it stays in a ball shape but doesn’t get hard..  Also, at this point put the ball in your mouth and if it is slightly sticky it is ready.  Another indicator is that the bubbles will be very slow like the mudpots at yellowstone, not fast with a lot of bubbles.  i don’t start testing until i can see that the mixture is thicker and stickier.  it might take a good half hour to 45 minutes before you start testing.  it all depends on your altitude and your stove.  you can also use a candy thermometer to determine soft ball stage.


At this point remove from heat and put a stick of butter in and then two “glugs” of vanilla.  very specific.  let sit to cool for a while .  mom always tested the readiness at this stage by sticking her finger straight to the bottom of the pan and if she could hold it there for a second without burning her finger then she would stir it and pour it into the buttered pan to set.