Best Brownies

1/2 cup butter, (melted)

1 cup sugar

1 teaspoon vanilla

2 eggs

1/2 cup flour

1/3 cup cocoa

1/4 tsp baking powder

1/4 tsp salt

1/2 cup chopped nuts (optional)

Heat oven to 350 degrees F. grease 9-inch square baking pan. In medium bowl, stir together butter, sugar and vanilla. Add eggs; with spoon, beat well. Stir together four, cocoa, baking powder and salt; gradually add to egg mixture, beating until well blended. Stir in nuts if desired. Spread batter evenly into prepared pan. Bake 20 to 25 minutes or until brownie begins to pull away from sides of pan. Cool completely in pan on wire rack.

I found this recipe in a cookbook that Roy bought me while we were dating. it is requested so frequently by my daughters, that i decided to post it here! it is seriously delicious!!

Banana Bread

1 cup sugar

2/3 cup butter

2 eggs

3-4 ripe bananas

1/3 cup water

1 2/3 cup flour

1 tsp baking soda

1/2 tsp salt

1/4 tsp baking powder

Mix all ingredients and pour into a well greased bread pan. bake at 350 degree oven for 45 minutes to 1 hour, or until a testing stick comes out clean.

Stephanie got this recipe from the lady she used to nanny for. (right?). and she and i decided it was the best banana recipe we had come across. we think it is because of the water, but that is just our extensive cooking knowledge speaking. lol